Team Theo's Pyjama Day
If you can’t find an answer to your question here, please e-mail or call us on 0114 321 2470.
How do I register?
Just click on the register button at the top of the page and away you go!
How much does it cost to register?
Registration is free! All that we ask is you try to raise as much as you can for the amazing hospital! We will send you lot of resources to help you fundraise and the charity team are here to help you a long the way!
What happens once I’ve registered?
We’ll send you a welcome e-mail which will include lots of resources. Keep an eye out for our e-mails as we’ll also be sending you information including hints and tips for your fundraising as well as stories from the hospital.
Can I register a team?
You sure can. When you register there will be an option to create a team or to join an existing team!
Is there a certain date I have to take part in the PJ Day?
We will be holding our PJ Day on Friday 14th February 2025 but you can hold yours on whatever date suits you! Just let us know what date you have chosen!
How will you contact me about this event?
All of our correspondence will be via post, e-mail and social media. Please keep a check on your email inbox, always check your junk folder in case we’ve gone in there by accident, and follow us on Twitter @sheffchildrens; Facebook ‘Sheffield Children’s Hospital and Charity’; Instagram ‘thechildrenshospitalcharity; TikTok 'childrenshospitalcharity'.
Is there a social media hashtag?
There sure is! Please use #TeamTheo.
How do I fundraise?
When you register for the challenge, a fundraising page will be automatically set up for your PJ Day. Once set-up you can let your family, friends, relatives, co-workers, classmates and neighbours know you are participating, share with them your fundraising goals, and ask them for a specific donation. Remember, it’s for a really good cause. You will be surprised how many will support your efforts.
Or if you are a school, organisation or large group, you could ask each person taking part to donate £2.
Every penny raised really does make a difference at Sheffield Children's!
What is the fundraising target?
We are asking each person to try and raise £100 each. This can help make a huge difference to Sheffield Children’s Hospital. This is not a requirement but every little helps!
Where will my fundraising go?
Sheffield Children’s Hospital is a specialist children’s hospital, providing world-class care for children all over Yorkshire and across the UK. The Children’s Hospital Charity makes Sheffield Children’s Hospital even better, by creating an environment built with children in mind.
How do I pay in my money?
Ask people to donate directly to your online fundraising page. That way the money will automatically come direct to us and you don’t have to chase anyone to collect their money (please note online fundraising pages will take an admin fee off your overall sponsorship raised). If you’ve collected cash then you can pay the money in by sending a cheque made payable to ‘The Children’s Hospital Charity’ at The Children’s Hospital Charity, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TH. You can also send your money in via bank transfer, please email us at fundraising@tchc.or.guk for details of how to do this. If you’re collecting offline donations please ask your supporters to fill out a Sponsorship Form and tick the Gift Aid Box, if applicable.