Sophie Ramsay

I'm fundraising for The Children’s Hospital Charity

I must start this by saying that we are one of the lucky ones. Just over a year ago our beautiful daughter Rosie was attacked by a dog and required extensive facial reconstructive surgery. Thanks to quick action from the Resus dept at Scunthorpe General and the incredible work by the team at Sheffield Children's Hospital, Rosie is smiling again.

We were shown care and compassion from every single person we met. From the anaesthetist who was waiting for us when we got out of the ambulance, but waited until my partner arrived before going through everything  to the plastics team who when checking Rosie, also gave my bite the once over so that I didn't have to leave her.  The incredible play team brought activities to keep her entertained and the incredible OMF team defied the odds and truly made miracles happen. 

We will be forever grateful.

My Achievements

Created a Fundraising Page

Self Donated

Uploaded a Profile Picture

Shared Fundraising Page

Reached 50% of Fundraising Target

Reach Fundraising Goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kate Ramsay

I wish I could be there to see you abseil! Good luck :) From Kate & Taniel x


Maria Witt

Well done SOPHIE! I know how challenging this is going to be for you! I'll be there to cheer you on! xx


Jade Copley

Good luck. You'll smash it. Xx Love from Fynn's Mum


The Herringtons


Carly Turley

Good luck


Sophie Pollicott

Good luck! You’ll smash it!


Danielle Round