Team Theo's Abseil
If you can’t find an answer to your question here, please e-mail or call us on 0114 321 2470.
How do I register?
Just click on the register button at the top of the page and away you go!
How much does it cost to register?
Registration is £24! all we then ask is that you raise a mimumum of £100 for your abseil. We'll send you a fundraising pack filled with goodies to help you raise your target and we'll be with you every step of the way.
Can we register a team?
Unfortunately, not. This is because there is a registration fee of £24 per person and specific details are needed for each person. This means everyone must sign up individually. However, if you are a company (for example) and want to pay for a few people please email and we can organise payment and a code for individuals to sign up.
When does registration close?
Registration closes on Friday 15th March at 12.00pm or when we hit our participant limit (whichever comes first) so sign up quickly to avoid disappointment.
What happens once I’ve registered?
You will receive a welcome email from The Children’s Hospital Charity with lots of helpful advice as to how to start your fundraising. You will also receive a fundraising pack to help you on your way.
Can I get a Team Theo charity t-shirt to wear?
You can request a charity t-shirt when you register for the abseil. This will be sent to you with your fundraising pack.
How do I fundraise?
When registering for the abseil, you will be encouraged to set up your personal fundraising page. Once set-up you can let your family, friends, relatives, co-workers, classmates and neighbours know you are participating, share your fundraising page with them and ask them for a donation. Remember, it’s for a really good cause. You will be surprised how many will support your efforts.
There’s lots of helpful information, tips & resources we can send you so, if you need anything specific please let us know by contacting
What is the fundraising target?
We are asking each person taking part to raise a minimum of £100.
Where will my fundraising go?
Sheffield Children’s Hospital is a specialist children’s hospital, providing world-class care for children all over Yorkshire and across the UK. The Children’s Hospital Charity makes Sheffield Children’s Hospital even better, by creating an environment built with children in mind. Your donations will help us support Sheffield Children's where it is needed most.
When is the minimum fundraising due?
We ask that the mimumum fundraising of £100 is raised before the abseil. Please do contact the charity team to discuss this deadline if there are any problems.
How do I pay in any offline fundraising?
Ask people to donate directly to your online fundraising page. That way the money will automatically come direct to us and you don’t have to chase anyone to collect their money (please note online fundraising pages will take an admin fee off your overall sponsorship raised).
If you’ve collected cash then you can pay the money in by sending a cheque made payable to ‘The Children’s Hospital Charity’ at The Children’s Hospital Charity, Western Bank, Sheffield S10 2TH.
You can also send your money in via bank transfer, please email us at for bank details.
If you’re collecting offline donations please ask your supporters to fill out a Sponsorship Form and tick the Gift Aid Box, if applicable.
What happens if I don't reach the fundraising target?
If you don’t think you'll reach your fundraising target please let us know as soon as possible by emailing and we can discuss options
Is there a weight or height restriction?
The weight restriction is 17.4 stone/110kg.
No height restrictions.
Are there any age restrictions?
Minimum age is 16yrs old. However, if you are under 18 then you will need a parent/guardian with you on the day to sign the acknowledgment of risk. There is no upper age limit for the abseil, subject to health.
How will you contact me about this event?
All our correspondence will be via post, e-mail and social media. Please keep a check on your email inbox, always check your junk folder in case we’ve gone in there by accident and follow us on Twitter @sheffchildrens; Facebook ‘Sheffield Children’s Hospital and Charity’; Instagram ‘thechildrenshospitalcharity.’
Where will the Abseil take place?
Sheffield Hallam University - Owen Building, Hallam Square, Sheffield City Centre, S1 2LX.
Registration will be inside the main entrance of the Owen Building.
How long will the abseil take?
You abseil should take approximately 2hrs from your arrival time
What distance is the Abseil?
You will abseil down The Owen Buidling which is 140ft
What do I need to wear?
Sportswear works well with trainers. If you would like to wear fancy dress that is also fine, as long as the harness will fit.
Can spectators watch?
Yes, spectators won't be able to enter the Owen Building but can watch from Hallam Square.
Still have a question?
Contact us at or on 0114 321 2470. Our events team are on hand to help you as quickly as possible!