Simon Dunkley

I'm fundraising for The Children’s Hospital Charity

I'm going above and beyond for Sheffield Children's Hospital by taking to the skies and completing Team Theo's Skydive!

Please donate if you can help me reach my target. Every penny makes a difference.

Thank you!

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Wednesday 24th Jul
That was one intense experience, the flight up crammed into the plane, watching everyone jump out before jumping last, the rush of free fall, the opening of the parachute, getting to steer (badly) towards the landing zone, the softest of landings, the relief of being back on the ground all added it to one day I will never forget.
Many thanks to Logan for being such a great jump buddy and also to everyone who has donated to this fantastic cause !

Thank you to my Sponsors



Have a great dive Simon from us all at ASL


Simon Dunkley

Thanks to everyone who has donated to this fantastic cause. Big day tomorrow. Forecast is great so all being well we will be jumping around 1pm.


Lou Taylor

I am so proud of you and think you being very brave. I think you will have an amazing response and will be supporting you all the way! Much love Lou x


John Dunkley


John Savournin

As a family, we have much to than the Children's Hospital for over the years.


Sarah & Suresh

Well done!


Marian Reynolds


Russell Bluff

Good luck Simon, Great cause, hope you raise loads.


Alan Vinall

Good Luck! Enjoy the jump :)




Lynn Mapley

Good luck Simon!


Sylvia Dunkley

Will be thinking of you!


Anna Dunkley

Have fun! 🤩


Steve Bradford

Good luck! You are much braver than me.


Colin Vinall


Robert Buxton

Good luck Simon, for a very worthy cause. Bob & Karen


Dirk Aderhold


Becky Noon

Best of luck - great cause! Danny & Becky x


Helen Clark

Good luck


David Tasker

You're a braver man than me Simon. A great thing to do for a great cause. Dave and Beth


Andrew Stoddern

Good luck Simon with your skydive and well done for helping raise money for the hospital.


Alison Bell


Eric Campbell


As Music School Llp


Helen Ryall

All Good Wishes for the Big Dive


Adrian Brady

Well done mate, sorry for the delay, I forgot to donate.🤦🤦


Lauren Dunkley

Well done for doing this Dad Xx I’m very proud of you . Have fun doing something new and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone !


Matt Jackson


Michael Dempsey


Jenny Abraham

Good luck Simon.


Gill H

Wow, good luck Simon. Very brave. What a star!!


Elaine Fitzpatrick


Michael Bond


Anne Dray

Excellent cause. Have a great time!


Alex Dunkley

Fundraising and looking cool while doing it?? Hope you and work can raise a lot of money for a wonderful cause!!


Carol Smith

An excellent charity. Well done


Andrew Gibbons


Dave Everest

Well done


Rebecca Whittaker

Well done on your jump Simon 🪂