Jason Garner

I'm fundraising for The Children’s Hospital Charity

I'm going above and beyond for Sheffield Children's Hospital by taking to the skies and completing Team Theo's Skydive!

Please donate if you can help me reach my target. Every penny makes a difference.

Thank you!

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Wish me luck!

Monday 29th Jan
Having always wanted to attempt a sky dive, but having never really been given the shove (hopefully the only one) I couldn't be more excited to do this for such a great cause. Any and all sponsors would be much appreciated and wish me luck for the day!

Thank you to my Sponsors



Have a great dive Jason from us all at ASL


Christopher Taylor

Enjoy the fall bro, see you on the other side🤘


Christopher Garner


Julie Haigh


Ethan Holland



From Grandpa


Garner Simon


Daniel Mitchell

20£ to throw you out a plane is a good deal.


Elizabeth Kirk

Good luck love grandma Josie


Alexander And Robert Garner

Amazing Jason Whoop Whoop!!!! xx




Alexander & Robert Garner

Here’s another £20.00 we want you to reach your goal Jason and Sky Dive


Richard Haigh


Ava Haigh

Good luck uncle Jason. Love and kisses Ava xx


Graham & Gilly Wright

I think you should make your dad


Shaun Prescott

Nice one.


Mark Parkin

Double if the parachute doesn't open!


Dan Booth



Tapps Llandudno


Rebecca Whittaker

Well done on your jump Jason 🪂